Hvar South shore & Pakleni islands izlet brodom
Let us take you on unique private boat trip from town Hvar to discover most beautiful places on the south side of island Hvar and around Pakleni islands. Visit Red rocks unique natural attraction and find the best way to make your holiday plans perfect.
Možete zamijeniti bilo koju od ovih lokacija zamjenskom lokacijom ili s više njih
Create a fun and relaxing itinerary for your love, family or friends by following our recommendations. Despite the crystal clear sea and beaches made for lazy sunny days this area has many hidden gems you may not know about.
Let us introduce you to hidden caves, red limestone cliff jumping rocks, the unique apperance of low wineyards, the world's top naturist beach, famous beach clubs and restaurants, Roman ruins and mud baths, the possibilities are endless!
We will provide you with all the information and make your uniqe day unforgettable Sit back, have a drink and off we go!
Let us introduce you to hidden caves, red limestone cliff jumping rocks, the unique apperance of low wineyards, the world's top naturist beach, famous beach clubs and restaurants, Roman ruins and mud baths, the possibilities are endless!
We will provide you with all the information and make your uniqe day unforgettable Sit back, have a drink and off we go!
- Best for families, adventure seeakers, bigger groups
- The most popular natural attraction on the island of Hvar – Red rocks
- The most beautiful beach on the island of Hvar island – Dubovica
- Green Lagoon
- Pakleni islands
- Easily customized
- Adjusted to your time and preferences
- No crowds
Brodovi I cijene za privatni izlet Hvar South shore & Pakleni islands
Barracuda 700 150HP
9osoba 600.00€ Rezerviraj online -
Barracuda 730 200HP
10osoba 600.00€ Rezerviraj online -
Flyer 828 250HP
12osoba 700.00€ Rezerviraj online -
Enzo 35
16osoba 1100.00€ Rezerviraj online -
Colnago 33 - Limited Ed.
14osoba 1300.00€ Rezerviraj online -
Colnago 38
16osoba 1500.00€ Rezerviraj online -
Xp 38
16osoba 1450.00€ Rezerviraj online